Fiesta season is here! Practice begins tomorrow with 8th-12th graders practicing at 4 pm. Sign up sheets were sent home before spring break. Please let us know if you would like to help.
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Food Bank today at 4:15
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
For the safety of our students and staff due to weather and high winds HVPS will be doing remote learning today.
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
For the safety of our staff and students traveling from surrounding communities and the frigid temperatures, Hondo Valley Public Schools will be on a 2 hr delay Thursday, February 16, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Due to the weather and road conditions HVPS will early dismiss at 1 pm today February 15
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Eagles - The Basketball Games scheduled for today 2/14 have been postponed. Hondo will travel to Mountainair on Thursday 2/16 girl at 4pm boys to follow Hondo will host Mountainair on Friday 2/17 boys at 5pm girls to follow Friday will conclude the regular season and beginning 2/20 we will be participating in the District Tournament. - Those details are to be determined but we will share the info as soon a we get it.
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Devine
For the safety of our staff and students traveling from surrounding communities, Hondo Valley Public Schools will be on a two hour delay, Tuesday, February 14, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Foodbank will be distributed at 2 PM tomorrow at the school due to the Basketball games vs Mountainair beginning at 4 PM
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Tuesday, February 14, 2023, will be a regular school day. Treats will be provided by the school. Additional food and deliveries are discouraged along with balloons, valentine novelty items, flowers, and glassware. The school is not responsible for any items delivered to the school. If deliveries come to the school, they will not be delivered to the classroom nor will they be allowed on the busses, These items must be picked up by the families at the end of the day. Teachers will notify their classes of specific details for exchange of valentines and expectations to participate. Due to the limited space and safety the elementary Valentine's dance will be exclusive to our students and staff only. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Tuesday, February 14, 2023, will be a regular school day. Treats will be provided by the school. Additional food and deliveries are discouraged along with balloons, valentine novelty items, flowers, and glassware. The school is not responsible for any items delivered to the school. If deliveries come to the school, they will not be delivered to the classroom nor will they be allowed on the busses, These items must be picked up by the families at the end of the day. Teachers will notify their classes of specific details for exchange of valentines and expectations to participate. Due to the limited space and safety the elementary Valentine's dance will be exclusive to our students and staff only. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Mid-High School 3rd 9 Week Deficiency Reports for students earning a ‘D’ or ‘F’ in one or more classes have been mailed home. 7-12th Grade students are encouraged to contact their teachers to get missing assignments and turn in late work. Hondo Valley Elementary Teachers will contact parents if there are any concerns. 7-12 grade Parents can access their child’s grades at: 7-12 grade students have been given login credentials.
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Progress Reports
Mountainair called and will not be able to send their teams today. These Varsity games will be rescheduled at a later date.
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
HVPS will be in remote learning only today, January 24, 2023 and the campus is closed. Stay safe and warm!
almost 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Public Schools will be on a 2 hour delay on Tuesday January 24, 2023. More information will follow if weather conditions worsen.
about 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
FOOD BANK 4:14 pm today in the HVPS Multi-Purpose Room.
about 2 years ago, Kitty Martin
The Hondo Varsity Basketball games scheduled for today 12/13 at Capitan have been postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date.
about 2 years ago, Brandon Devine
Hondo FFA's Jr High Opening and Closing Ceremony Team placed 3rd at the District V Contest today and will move on to compete at the State level in February
about 2 years ago, Brandon Devine
ceremony team
The Jr High Basketball game schedule for Saturday 12/10 has been rescheduled for Friday 12/9 - girls at 10am boys to follow around 11:30am
about 2 years ago, Brandon Devine
So there was a typo on the printed schedule - Today's Basketball games are scheduled for 4 and 5:30 start times - we are splitting the difference and the girls will start at 4:30pm - boys to follow
about 2 years ago, Brandon Devine
11/29 Hondo Varsity Basketball @ Mescalero Boys are scheduled to start at 4pm - girls to follow around 5:30pm
about 2 years ago, Brandon Devine