Reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 15th. No remote or in person learning will take place.
almost 4 years ago, Kitty Martin
Food Bank 3:30 PM today Tuesday February 9, 2021. Please stay in your vehicle and our volunteers will load the boxes into your car.
almost 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
NM Roadrunner Food Bank
REMINDER: Governor Lujan-Grisham’s January 27, 2021 announcement that K-12 schools can reopen requires all schools that are open to use the Hybrid Learning Model. HVPS must continue using the Hybrid Model K-12 because we are only allowed to have 50% of our students on campus each day. For more information about HVPS February Re-Opening Plan please go to
almost 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
The Hondo Clinic will now be open two days a week Monday and Wednesday 8:00 am -4:00 pm. Beginning Monday February 8, 2021. The Hondo Clinic is considered a family Practice and the staff can see anyone at any age. Patients can also schedule video appointments if they do not want to come into the Clinic. For an appointment please call the Hondo Clinic 575-653-4830 or LCMC 575-630-8350 and ask for Linda Owen. If you are interested in COVID-19 vaccination, please call 575-630-8350 and ask to be added to the schedule. At this time, there is no plan to have a COVID-19 19 vaccine clinic in Hondo, the vaccines are scheduled for Ruidoso.
almost 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Public Schools Parents/Families: Governor Lujan-Grisham and the NM PED announced that New Mexico schools can reopen K-12 beginning February 8, 2020. We are excited that we can continue our model of learning for Hondo students, and to share what this step in reopening New Mexico schools means for HVPS. • All grades will remain in the Hybrid Learning Model. HVPS is still only allowed 50% of our students on campus each day. • All persons on the HVPS must continue to practice COVID Safe practices: o Wear a mask correctly at all times o Social Distance (6 feet apart) o Wash/sanitize hands often • HVPS must follow the CDC and NM PED health and safety guidelines for public school buildings: o The HVAC system filters have been upgraded to MERV 8 (or above). o In addition, each classroom now has an air filtration system to ensure the air in each room is exchanged multiple times each hour. o The classrooms, common areas, and offices are sanitized each day. • While COVID-19 immunization for HVPS employees is not mandatory, many of our faculty and staff have opted to get the immunization. Currently 42% of our staff has had at least the 1st immunization shot and many others are on the NMDOH waiting list. • In the near future we will find out more about sports and extracurricular activities, and we will convey that information to you as soon as we can. • Please continue to keep students at home if anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19. I want to thank the Hondo Valley community for your steadfast support and cooperation from the beginning of the pandemic in March and throughout the 20-21 school year. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at 575-653-4411, and as always, thank you for your continued support. Marvin L. Martin HVPS Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
January 29, 2021 To: Parents or Guardians of children who attend Hondo Valley Public Schools Hondo Valley Public Schools are working with the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and New Mexico’s Department of Health (NMDOH) because a staff member at our facility or a child who attends our school has tested positive for COVID-19. This letter is to inform you about the next steps necessary to protect your child and our community from COVID-19. Per guidance from both NMPED and NMDOH, we are required to investigate to see who had “close contact” with the staff member or student who tested positive for COVID-19. A “close contact” is defined as being closer than six feet for more than three minutes to a person who is positive for COVID-19 and all staff and students who were in the same classroom or on the same bus as the infected individual. According to NMPED and NMDOH, all staff who were in “close contact” with the infected individual must be tested seven to 10 days after close contact exposure to the positive COVID-19 individual. All students who were close contacts are strongly encouraged to be tested. Both staff and student close contacts must self-quarantine at home for 14 days, regardless of the test result. In the meantime, if you or your child begin to develop symptoms of COVID-19, which are fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea [ ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html], please call your healthcare provider or the COVID-19 Hotline at 1-855-600-3453. It is important that you call ahead to your healthcare provider before presenting to the physician’s office, clinic, urgent care or emergency room so that they can be prepared for your arrival. They may also refer you to a testing clinic. Areas of the school (including buses) in which the COVID-19 positive individual spent time will be cleaned and disinfected and those who were close contacts of the positive case will be notified. Please continue to send your child to school unless you are notified that your child was a close contact of a positive COVID-19 individual, your child develops COVID-19 symptoms, or your child has a positive COVID-19 test. Likewise, your household members do not need to quarantine unless your child tests positive for COVID-19 or your household members are identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 individual. You may call Marvin L Martin at (575) 653-4411 or NMDOH at (505) 827-0006, if you have questions. Thank you for your support in these efforts. Sincerely, Marvin L Martin 29 de enero de 2021 Para: padres o tutores de niños que asisten a las escuelas públicas de Hondo Valley Las Escuelas Públicas de Hondo Valley están trabajando con el Departamento de Educación Pública de Nuevo México (NMPED) y el Departamento de Salud de Nuevo México (NMDOH) porque un miembro del personal de nuestras instalaciones o un niño que asiste a nuestra escuela ha dado positivo por COVID-19. Esta carta es para informarle sobre los próximos pasos necesarios para proteger a su hijo y a nuestra comunidad del COVID-19. Siguiendo la guía de NMPED y NMDOH, debemos investigar para ver quién tuvo "contacto cercano" con el miembro del personal o el estudiante que dio positivo por COVID-19. Un "contacto cercano" se define como estar más cerca de seis pies durante más de tres minutos con una persona que es positiva para COVID-19 y todo el personal y los estudiantes que estaban en el mismo salón de clases o en el mismo autobús que la persona infectada. Según NMPED y NMDOH, todo el personal que estuvo en "contacto cercano" con la persona infectada debe someterse a la prueba de siete a 10 días después de la exposición por contacto cercano a la persona positiva COVID-19. Se recomienda encarecidamente que se evalúen todos los estudiantes que fueron contactos cercanos. Tanto el personal como los contactos cercanos de los estudiantes deben ponerse en cuarentena en casa durante 14 días, independientemente del resultado de la prueba. Mientras tanto, si usted o su hijo comienzan a desarrollar síntomas de COVID-19, que son fiebre, escalofríos, tos, falta de aire o dificultad para respirar, fatiga, dolores musculares o corporales, dolor de cabeza, nueva pérdida del olfato o del gusto, dolor garganta, congestión o secreción nasal, náuseas o vómitos, diarrea [], llame a su proveedor de atención médica o a la línea directa de COVID-19 al 1-855-600-3453. Es importante que llame con anticipación a su proveedor de atención médica antes de presentarse en el consultorio del médico, la clínica, la atención de urgencia o la sala de emergencias para que puedan estar preparados para su llegada. También pueden derivarlo a una clínica de pruebas. Se limpiarán y desinfectarán las áreas de la escuela (incluidos los autobuses) en las que el individuo positivo de COVID-19 pasó tiempo y se notificará a aquellos que estuvieron en contacto cercano del caso positivo. Continúe enviando a su hijo a la escuela a menos que se le notifique que su hijo fue un contacto cercano de una persona COVID-19 positiva, que su hijo desarrolle síntomas COVID-19 o que su hijo tenga una prueba COVID-19 positiva. Del mismo modo, los miembros de su hogar no necesitan ponerse en cuarentena a menos que su hijo dé positivo por COVID-19 o los miembros de su hogar estén identificados como un contacto cercano de una persona positiva para COVID-19. Puede llamar a Marvin L Martin al (575) 653-4411 o NMDOH al (505) 827-0006, si tiene preguntas. Gracias por su apoyo en estos esfuerzos. Sinceramente, Marvin L Martin
almost 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Public Schools Letterhead
Hondo Valley Public School will return to Hybrid Learning tomorrow Wednesday January 27, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Public Schools will be 100% remote learning today, Tuesday January 26, 2020, due to COVID-19 protocols. Remote learning will begin at 9:00am, and there will be NO lunch service today. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Public Schools is on a 2 hour delay today, Tuesday January 26, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
The correct address for the COVID-19 testing registration is We apologize for the error.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
To: Parents or Guardians of children who attend Hondo Valley Public Schools Hondo Valley Public Schools are working with the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and New Mexico’s Department of Health (NMDOH) because a staff member at our facility or a child who attends our school has tested positive for COVID-19. This letter is to inform you about the next steps necessary to protect your child and our community from COVID-19. Per guidance from both NMPED and NMDOH, we are required to investigate to see who had “close contact” with the staff member or student who tested positive for COVID-19. A “close contact” is defined as being closer than six feet for more than three minutes to a person who is positive for COVID-19 and all staff and students who were in the same classroom or on the same bus as the infected individual. According to NMPED and NMDOH, all staff who were in “close contact” with the infected individual must be tested seven to 10 days after close contact exposure to the positive COVID-19 individual. All students who were close contacts are strongly encouraged to be tested. Both staff and student close contacts must self-quarantine at home for 14 days, regardless of the test result. In the meantime, if you or your child begin to develop symptoms of COVID-19, which are fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea [ ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html], please call your healthcare provider or the COVID-19 Hotline at 1-855-600-3453. It is important that you call ahead to your healthcare provider before presenting to the physician’s office, clinic, urgent care or emergency room so that they can be prepared for your arrival. They may also refer you to a testing clinic. Areas of the school (including buses) in which the COVID-19 positive individual spent time will be cleaned and disinfected and those who were close contacts of the positive case will be notified. Please continue to send your child to school unless you are notified that your child was a close contact of a positive COVID-19 individual, your child develops COVID-19 symptoms, or your child has a positive COVID-19 test. Likewise, your household members do not need to quarantine unless your child tests positive for COVID-19 or your household members are identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 individual. You may call Marvin L Martin at (575) 653-4411 or NMDOH at (505) 827-0006, if you have questions. Thank you for your support in these efforts. Sincerely, Marvin L Martin Para: padres o tutores de niños que asisten a las escuelas públicas de Hondo Valley Las Escuelas Públicas de Hondo Valley están trabajando con el Departamento de Educación Pública de Nuevo México (NMPED) y el Departamento de Salud de Nuevo México (NMDOH) porque un miembro del personal de nuestras instalaciones o un niño que asiste a nuestra escuela ha dado positivo por COVID-19. Esta carta es para informarle sobre los próximos pasos necesarios para proteger a su hijo y a nuestra comunidad del COVID-19. Siguiendo la guía de NMPED y NMDOH, debemos investigar para ver quién tuvo "contacto cercano" con el miembro del personal o el estudiante que dio positivo por COVID-19. Un "contacto cercano" se define como estar más cerca de seis pies durante más de tres minutos con una persona que es positiva para COVID-19 y todo el personal y los estudiantes que estaban en el mismo salón de clases o en el mismo autobús que la persona infectada. Según NMPED y NMDOH, todo el personal que estuvo en "contacto cercano" con la persona infectada debe someterse a la prueba de siete a 10 días después de la exposición por contacto cercano a la persona positiva COVID-19. Se recomienda encarecidamente que se evalúen todos los estudiantes que fueron contactos cercanos. Tanto el personal como los contactos cercanos de los estudiantes deben ponerse en cuarentena en casa durante 14 días, independientemente del resultado de la prueba. Mientras tanto, si usted o su hijo comienzan a desarrollar síntomas de COVID-19, que son fiebre, escalofríos, tos, falta de aire o dificultad para respirar, fatiga, dolores musculares o corporales, dolor de cabeza, nueva pérdida del olfato o del gusto, dolor garganta, congestión o secreción nasal, náuseas o vómitos, diarrea [], llame a su proveedor de atención médica o a la línea directa de COVID-19 al 1-855-600-3453. Es importante que llame con anticipación a su proveedor de atención médica antes de presentarse en el consultorio del médico, la clínica, la atención de urgencia o la sala de emergencias para que puedan estar preparados para su llegada. También pueden derivarlo a una clínica de pruebas. Se limpiarán y desinfectarán las áreas de la escuela (incluidos los autobuses) en las que el individuo positivo de COVID-19 pasó tiempo y se notificará a aquellos que estuvieron en contacto cercano del caso positivo. Continúe enviando a su hijo a la escuela a menos que se le notifique que su hijo fue un contacto cercano de una persona COVID-19 positiva, que su hijo desarrolle síntomas COVID-19 o que su hijo tenga una prueba COVID-19 positiva. Del mismo modo, los miembros de su hogar no necesitan ponerse en cuarentena a menos que su hijo dé positivo por COVID-19 o los miembros de su hogar estén identificados como un contacto cercano de una persona positiva para COVID-19. Puede llamar a Marvin L Martin al (575) 653-4411 o NMDOH al (505) 827-0006, si tiene preguntas. Gracias por su apoyo en estos esfuerzos. Sinceramente, Marvin L Martin
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Public Schools will host a COVID-19 testing clinic Friday January 22nd and 29th, 9:00 am to Noon both days. If you would like to get tested, 1. Schedule and appointment at 2. Collect the pain free oral swab yourself 3. Receive the results via text or email Help Lincoln County move from red to yellow to green and slow the spread of COVID-19.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Testing Clinic information in Spanish
Testing Clinic Information in English
HYBRID LEARNING FOR ALL STUDENTS K-12 BEGINS MONDAY JANUARY 18, 2021. Students will attend the same group they did last Fall, either Monday/Tuesday or Wednesday/Thursday. Bus drivers will contact parents to remind them of pick-up and drop-off times. Please contact the school 575-653-4411 or your child’s teacher if you have questions or need more information. SEE YOU MONDAY!
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
2nd Quarter Report Cards have been mailed to Parents/Guardians. If you have questions about your child's academic progress please contact your child's teacher. Students who have an incomplete in any subject have until the end of the spring semester to complete their work and earn credit.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Report Card
Food Bank 1:00 PM today Tuesday January 12, 2021. Please stay in your vehicle and our volunteers will load the boxes into your car.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Roadrunner Food Bank
Happy 2021! We hope you and your family had a relaxing winter break. Remember, Remote learning begins Wednesday January 6, 2021. Please encourage your child to check their school email to get instructions and updates from their teachers before Wednesday. If your child has not been contacted by their teacher please have them email their teacher(s) at the teacher's school email. Hondo Valley Public Schools will remain in Remote Learning from January 6th-14th. Hybrid Learning will begin Monday January 18, 2021 for all students kindergarten-12th grade.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Welcome Back from Break!
Have a Happy and Safe Winter Break!
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Happy Winter Break
SEMESTER EXAM SCHEDULE Grades 7-12 Wednesday - Exams for 1st, 3rd and 5th Periods Thursday - Exams for 2nd, 4th, and 6th Periods We will follow the regular morning bell schedule. Any students wishing to take exams in person should contact their teacher and make arrangements to come on campus.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Exam Schedule
REMINDER: All make up work is due TODAY, Thursday December 10, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Missing Work
Lincoln County Toys for Tots Toy Distribution 3:00-8:00 PM Friday December 18th 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Saturday December 19th At the Ruidoso Convention Center Click here for Santa's Helpers Family Application
about 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Toys for Tots Flyer