Volleyball practice will begin Monday October 5. Jr High (6th-8th grades) Practice will be 2:20 - 3:20 Varsity (9th -12th grades) Practice will be 3:30 - 5:00 Players must have 5 practices before playing in the first game Our first game is scheduled for Monday October 12
over 4 years ago, Brandon Devine
Grief Counseling Zoom Meeting School Based Health Center https://zoom.us/j/94966950433?pwd=eXlBakdsY0c2TjF3MFhvMjZKZWtsUT09 Meeting ID: 949 6695 0433 Passcode: 829356 One tap mobile +16699006833,,94966950433#,,,,,,0#,,829356# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Lincoln County Medical Center Behavior Health https://www.phs.org/doctors-services/services-centers/behavioral-health/behavioral-health/Pages/ruidoso.aspx
over 4 years ago, Marin Goza
Michael Candelaria Condolences
Hondo Valley Elementary will begin our HYBRID SCHEDULE Monday September 28, 2020. The HVPS Hybrid Schedule will consist of Monday-Tuesday and Wednesday-Thursday cohorts. Your child's teacher will contact you about which cohort your child will attend. Your child's bus driver will contact you with pick up and drop off schedules. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or Marvin Martin at 575-653-4411.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Mid-High School 1st 9 Week Deficiency Reports for students earning a ‘D’ or ‘F’ in one or more classes have been mailed home. 7-12th Grade students are encouraged to contact their teachers to get missing assignments and turn in late work. Students can turn in missing assignments until Thursday October 8th. Hondo Valley Elementary Teachers will contact parents if there are any concerns. Parents can access their child’s grades at: https://hondonm.powerschool.com/public/home.html Each student has been given login credentials.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Progress Report
Progress Reports for 7-12 grades will be mailed on MONDAY September 21st. 7-12 grade students need to check your grades on PowerSchool https://hondonm.powerschool.com/public/home.html and make sure all your assignments are turned in so they can be graded before MONDAY.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Having trouble getting connected? See resources from PVT.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
PVT Internet Resources
PVT Internet Resources
REC 9 School Based Health Clinic Free for Hondo Valley Public School Students
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
REC 9 School Based Health Clinic Flyer
School breakfast and lunches will be delivered to bus stops Monday-Thursday at 10:00 a.m. beginning Tuesday September 15, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Kitty Martin
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Position(s): Varsity Volleyball Coach Jr High Volleyball Coach Please contact Brandon Devine 575-653-4411 for more information
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
The Hondo FFA chile roast is postponed to September 19th & 20th Please contact Mr Devine if you have any questions
over 4 years ago, Brandon Devine
The New Mexico Public Education Department has mandated that all schools upgrade the filters for their cooling and heating systems. The amount of time needed to acquire these filters will not allow us to bring back students next week. Until further notice Hondo Valley Public Schools will continue remote learning for all students. Please call Mr. Marvin Martin at 575-653-4411 if you have any questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Foodbank 3:00 PM today Tuesday September 8th Please stay in your vehicle and the volunteers will load your food box in your vehicle.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Roadrunner Food Bank of NM
Enter for your chance to win an ultimate backpack filled with school supplies and an Ipad. https://www.nmoga.org/ultimatebackpack
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Backpack with schools supplies and an Ipad
The New Mexico Public Education Department’s mandate (announced 3:00pm 9/3/20) that all schools re-open using a hybrid model means that HVPS reentry plan to bring back Kindergarten through 6th grade students next week in a full reentry model is no longer permissible. HVPS will have to design an A/B (Monday-Tuesday or Wednesday-Thursday) schedule with a maximum of 50% of each class in each cohort K-12. This means that each student will be attending in person classes two days a week, and remote learning two days a week. HVPS will be 100% remote learning K-12 next week, September 8-10, 2020, so that a revised re-opening plan can be developed and approved. We will contact you next week to let you know which group your child will be in and updated the bus schedule. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
In person School is cancelled tomorrow Thursday September 3rd for Kindergarten thru 3rd grade, and Special Education students. Remote Learning will continue as scheduled. One staff member and several Hondo Valley students have tested positive for COVID-19. The district is following the directives from the New Mexico Department of health and Public Education Department. In order to ensure a safe reentry next week for our kindergarten through sixth grade students, we are canceling school tomorrow to give our maintenance staff ample opportunity to deep clean the facilities. Have a happy Labor Day weekend, and as always, thank you for your continued support.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
HVPS STUDENT MEAL PROGRAM All students may pick up their breakfast 7:30-8:00 am and/or lunch 11:00 am-12:30 pm at the school cafeteria Monday-Thursday. Gab & Go 2 day meals may also be picked up at the school or in San Patricio every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00-11:00 am. Also, Food4Kids backpacks can be picked up at the school on Thursdays. If you were enrolled last year you will still be receiving the backpacks. If you would like to enroll, please contact the school at 653-4411.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo clinic will be open on Wednesdays 9am-4pm (closed 12-1 for lunch) beginning Wednesday September 16, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Clinic Sign
New Mexico Child Care Information
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
NM Childcare Information Flyer
If you are having problems with your WIFI hotspot, please bring it up to school on Tuesday or Thursday so the technologist can troubleshoot the issues. Contact HVPS 575-635-4411 if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Verizon Hotspot
PVT is Offering Free Access to PVT Broadband and Wi-Fi For 60 Days For New Student Households and More Go to: https://www.pvt.com/my-community/broadband-booster-pilot-program/
over 4 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
PVT logo