Summer School Grades 1-12 8:00 am-12: Noon Monday-Thursday May 31-June 23, 2022 STEAM Camp Grades 6-12 1:00-4:00 pm Monday-Wednesday 8:00 am-4:00 pm both Thursdays Week 1—May 31-June 3, 2022 Week 2—June 13-16, 2022 Students may participate in both programs if they wish! • Bus Service Provided • Daily Breakfast and Lunch Provided • Reading and Math Focus through Project/Theme Based Learning • Intensive Reading Ramp-Up Services for K to 1st and 1st to 2nd grades • Recovery Services for SPED students • Credit Recovery for 9-12 grades If you want your child to participate in HVPS Summer Programs, please complete register by Monday May 16, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Monday May 2 Raffle tickets will be given to ALL dancers K-12. • The top 3 sellers will receive prizes. • All tickets and money should be turned in daily to the student’s dance instructor and all tickets MUST be turned in Thursday May 12th. Tuesday May 3 5:00-7:00 pm Flower Making—in the cafeteria Friday May 6 9:00 am-6:00 pm Gym Decorating—Everyone is ask to help. Tuesday May 10 5:15-8:00 pm Full Rehearsal—without costumes. • Rehearsal will begin no later than 6:00 pm • Grades K-5 meet on the bleachers on the north side of the gym. Thursday May 12 5:15-8:00 pm Dress Rehearsal—with full costumes Rehearsal will begin no later than 6:00 pm • Jr. High and High School in the multi-purpose room • Grades K-5 meet in the weight room EVERYONE SHOULD BE IN COSTUME BY 5:30 CLOSED REHEARSAL FOR 7-12 FIESTA NIGHT Saturday May 14 5:00 pm ALL dancers must be at school and in costume • Jr. High and High School in the multi-purpose room • Grades K-5 meet in the weight room 6:00 pm Grand March
over 2 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
HVPS needs your help in determining how to best improve our buildings and campus. Please complete the survey at to give us your input.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Little League Basketball Hondo Valley Public Schools would like to have Little League Basketball for grades K-5. Our basketball program will introduce youths to the game and provide an atmosphere of fun play while learning about the sport. Thursday 4/21/22 we will have a parent/ coaches meeting at 6:30 located in the Hondo School Multi- Purpose Room. If interested in coaching or helping in any way please attend the meeting. There will also be a sign up sheet for your child if you have not yet filled one out. Estimados Padres: Habra un programa de Little League Baloncesto en Hondo Valley Public Schools para los niveles K-5. Este programa presentará el deporte de baloncesto y proveirá juegos divertidos mientras están aprendiendo. El jueves, tendremos una junta para padres/entrenadores a las 6:30, en el salón de Multi-Purpose. Si está interesado en ser un entrenador o a ayudar con el programa, favor de asistir a la junta. Habrá formas para llenar para sus hijos si no has entregado uno. Gracias, Atentamente,
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
FFA members and their parents; supporters and just anyone that would be interested in finding out about what FFA has to offer your Jr High and High School student - the Annual Hondo FFA Chapter Banquet will be held on Thursday April 28th beginning at 6:00PM in the Hondo Schools Gymnasium. There will be a meal served. We will recognize the members accomplishments for this year and begin the process of setting goals for next year. Please join us.
almost 3 years ago, Brandon Devine
FFA emblem
HVPS has had a positive COVID-19 case/s on our campus. We ask that if you or your child are showing signs of illness which can include any combination of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, new loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, please stay home and out of all public spaces. Hondo Valley Public schools policy states that if a student has any of these symptoms, they are strongly urged to be tested for COVID-19. If your child tests negative, they may return to school once symptoms improve. If your child tests positive or you choose not to test a student who is symptomatic, they must quarantine for 10 days. Testing is available in Hondo on Thursdays and at Curative testing sites in Ruidoso during the week. Please go to Curative Testing at to find a test site and schedule a test. Please keep our community safe by staying home if you are sick and wearing a mask in all public areas. Notify Marvin Martin at 575-653-4411 for guidance if you must quarantine or have any further questions. COVID-19 Case Notification Letter COVID-19 Case Notification Letter (Spanish)
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
2022 Fiesta de los Flores Organizational Meeting 6:00 pm Tuesday March 8, 2022 HVPS Multi-Purpose Room For questions or more information please call HVPS 575-653-4411
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Fiesta Dancers
The Boy Scouts of America is establishing a Cub Scout Troop in the Hondo Valley for boys and girls in grades K-5. Troop leaders will be at HVPS Parent Teacher conferences Wednesday March 16th to sign up interested students and answer questions.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Cub Scout Troop
Bus Drivers and classroom Substitutes needed immediately. Contact Superintendent Martin at 575-653-4411 if you are interested.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Effective immediately HVPS students, employees and visitors are no longer required to wear facemasks on busses, in school buildings, at athletic events, or any other school related activity. Those who wish to continue wearing facemasks may do so, but again they are no longer required. HVPS will continue with temperature checks when entering the building, social distancing, hand washing, and using air purifiers in each room. As always, thank you for your patience, cooperation, and grace with the all the protocols in place for the health and safety of our students, staff, and community.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
The Basketball games today have been postponed until 2:30 and 4:00 PM. The Varsity Boys will play first at 2:30.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Because of deteriorating road conditions Hondo Valley Public Schools are releasing at 1:00pm today Wednesday February 2nd. Busses will drop off students approximately three hours earlier than their normal drop off times. HVPS will be full remote learning tomorrow Thursday February 3rd. Teachers have provided students with their assignments and contact information for attendance, questions , etcetera. Students are required to check in with their teachers by 12 noon tomorrow. Have a warm and safe weekend, and thank you for your continued support.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Due to the number of COVID cases among staff and the predicted frigid weather later this week, it is a possibility that Hondo Valley Public Schools may have an abbreviated schedule on Wednesday February 2nd and replace in-person learning with remote learning on Thursday, February 3rd. If HVPS moves to remote learning on Thursday, February 3rd, instruction will be conducted asynchronously, which means students will work independently from home at the direction of their classroom teacher(s). • Instruction methods will be determined by each teacher and may be conducted via Google Classroom or by a paper packet. • If a teacher selects a paper packet, work will be provided to students, in advance, today or tomorrow. • Each teacher will communicate with their students and and/or families in advance of Wednesday with instructions on how they can be reached for assistance and for attendance purposes. • All students should contact their teacher/s by 12 pm on Thursday. HVPS will make the determination for remote learning by Wednesday at noon. Please go to the HVPS Facebook Page, or the HVPS Webpage, for updates and information.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Weather Warning
HVPS has had a positive COVID-19 case/s on our campus. We ask that if you or your child are showing signs of illness which can include any combination of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, new loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, please stay home and out of all public spaces. Hondo Valley Public schools policy states that if a student has any of these symptoms, they are strongly urged to be tested for COVID-19. If your child tests negative, they may return to school once symptoms improve. If your child tests positive or you choose not to test a student who is symptomatic, they must quarantine for 10 days. Testing is available in Hondo on Thursdays and at Curative testing sites in Ruidoso during the week. Please go to Curative Testing at to find a test site and schedule a test. Please keep our community safe by staying home if you are sick and wearing a mask in all public areas. Notify Marvin Martin at 575-653-4411 for guidance if you must quarantine or have any further questions. COVID-19 Case Notification Letter COVID-19 Case Notification Letter (Spanish)
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Hondo Valley Public Schools are on a two (2) hour delay today Wednesday January 26, 2022. Busses will pick up students approximately two hours later than their regular pick up times. No breakfast will be served today.
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
2 Hour Delay
HVPS has had a positive COVID-19 case/s on our campus. We ask that if you or your child are showing signs of illness which can include any combination of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, new loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, please stay home and out of all public spaces. Hondo Valley Public schools policy states that if a student has any of these symptoms, they are strongly urged to be tested for COVID-19. If your child tests negative, they may return to school once symptoms improve. If your child tests positive or you choose not to test a student who is symptomatic, they must quarantine for 10 days. Testing is available in Hondo on Thursdays and at Curative testing sites in Ruidoso during the week. Please go to Curative Testing at to find a test site and schedule a test. Please keep our community safe by staying home if you are sick and wearing a mask in all public areas. Notify Marvin Martin at 575-653-4411 for guidance if you must quarantine or have any further questions. COVID-19 Case Notification Letter COVID-19 Case Notification Letter (Spanish)
almost 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
COVID-19 testing is available at HVPS TODAY Thursday December 30, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or at Curative Testing sites in Ruidoso every day. Please go to Curative Testing at to find a test site and schedule a test.
about 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
about 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Christmas Program
Just a reminder that today and tomorrow are early release days at 1 pm. Friday, December 17 is for make-up exams for Mid and High School students only. No busses will be running on December 17. Tomorrow there will be a virtual Christmas Program (no in-person program this year). You can access the program at the Hondo Valley Public Schools Facebook page. Thank you
about 3 years ago, Hondo Valley Public Schools
Coach Ben Sanchez Memorial Basketball Tournament Friday December 3 9am – Girls – Gateway vs Hondo 11am – Boys – Gateway vs Hondo 1pm – Girls – Hondo vs Mesilla Valley 3pm – Boys – Hondo vs Mesilla Valley 5pm – Girls – Capitan vs Gateway 7pm – Boys – Capitan vs Gateway Saturday December 4 9am – Boys - Mesilla Valley vs Capitan 11am – Girls - Mesilla Valley vs Capitan 1pm – Boys – Gateway vs Mesilla Valley 3pm – Girls – Gateway vs Mesilla Valley 5pm – Girls – Hondo vs Capitan 7pm – Boys – Hondo vs Capitan
about 3 years ago, Brandon Devine